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swine industry中文是什么意思

用"swine industry"造句"swine industry"怎么读"swine industry" in a sentence


  • 养猪业


  • Zi zhong county swine industry development strategy version 2
  • The swine industry today is vastly different from the swine industry of 25 years ago
  • Swine industry science
  • Although the project is focused in three key provinces , it also supports nationally based programs for technical and managerial training , information systems and the development of appropriate policies related to the swine industry
  • It is expected that the project programs will serve as a model for future development of the swine industry and the interest in the project activities to date indicates that there is widespread acceptance of the genetics and requisite technology
  • Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ( prrsv ) is the causative agent of prrs . it causes an important disease in pigs characterized by reproductive failure in sows and gilts , pneumonia and an increase in perinatal mortality , resulting in great economic losses to the swine industry
    猪繁殖与呼吸综合征是由猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒( porcinerespiratoryandreproductivesyndromevirus , prrsv )引起的一种以母猪繁殖障碍和仔猪呼吸道疾病为特征的传染病。
  • Hen yang got back home to zizhong , he immediately set up a special leading group composed of key personnel responsible for hog production , agricultural policy , finance , land management and farm credit . the leading group is drafting the countys 11th five year plan for animal husbandry , as well as the countys swine industry development strategy
    回国后,杨书记立即成立了专门的领导小组,组织政策研究畜牧财政国土建设农行信用联社等有关部门,深入全县调研,结合内江市“生猪产业百亿联动工程” ,制定资中县畜牧业发展
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